Sunday, December 2, 2012

The biggest obstacle so far is the extent of the materials and having to parse through numerous sources to narrow down my selection to the most relevant materials. I have also come up with some additional movies that I plan to watch, including, Fargo, Usual Suspects, Blue's Clues, Nancy Drew, and the new Sherlock Holmes movies. The other obstacle is convincing my parents that watching these movies is actually part of my school work. I already watched Thirty Nine Steps and have learned certain techniques used by filmmakers to create suspense and mystery. The main techniques used by Alfred Hitchcock in the movie was sound, switching screen shots between characters, presenting an important clue early on, but shifting focus off the clue and making ti seem insignificant. Sound is crucial in creating the mood of the scene. It can create suspense when needed, or frenzy during chase scenes. Also important during a chase scene was the constant change in camera focus. One second the camera would be focused on the main character, running for their life, then it would shift to the antagonists' pursuit. This along with the music created a sense of frenzy and excitement.  The movie opens with a show, which presents an important clue to the outcome of the movie.  hitchock creates a diversion by presenting another clue, which shifts the audiences' focus from the important clue.  Then about halfway through the movie, the protagonist starts whistling a tune, which is another important clue.  At eh end of the movie, he realizes where the tune came form and all the clues tie in to the surprise ending.  I would give more detail, but I wouldn't want to ruin the movie (or the show which is now playing on broadway) for any potential viewers.

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