Sunday, November 11, 2012

Now that we’ve had a jump start on our projects, it is time to see how other people have been faring with their topics.  I was reading through Rabbi Rosen’s comments and everyone’s blogs and I noticed that Yoni Cooper was writing about a topic that I too am greatly interested in: conspiracies.  When this project was first assigned, I immediately thought of writing about conspiracies, as that is something I would enjoy researching and writing about.  If you look at my second post, you will even see that the freemasons was a topic I was considering from the beginning.  However, the two main problems I found with the idea, is that it would be difficult to research and find sources for the project, and the answers would lack definitive proofs and conclusions.  One could place to find information on some of these conspiracies is television, especially The History Channel.  They always have shows about UFOs and other conspiracies.  One suggestion I have for Yoni, so that he does not just summarize a few conspiracy theories is to show the origins, development, and growth of these theories over time.  I hope Yoni does not run into the problem of a lack of sources and I wish him luck on the rest of the project. 

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